Οι Έλληνες της διασποράς αγωνίζονται για τα μεγάλα εθνικά μας προβλήματα και χρειάζονται την συμπαράστασή μας με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο.
Ένας πολύ απλός τρόπος είναι η διάδοση των μηνυμάτων τους και οπωσδήποτε η συμμετοχή όλων των Ελλήνων σε παρόμοιες πρωτοβουλίες.
Έλληνες μην ολιγωρείτε, προωθήστε το παρακάτω Video παντού.
Dear Yannis -- My name is Endy Zemenides and I'm the Executive Director of HALC. Six weeks ago, we launched HALC with the goal of mobilizing the Greek diaspora. In just those few weeks, we've created an online petition demanding removal of Turkish troops from Cyprus, embarked on a bold education campaign on the issues that matter most to our community, recruited tens of thousands online to join our movement, and already started training a new generation of leaders. Can you imagine what we can accomplish together over the next six weeks? The next six months? In six years? HALC isn't a top-down organization. We're rebuilding the fabric of the Greek diaspora from the ground up, with your ideas, your energy and your enthusiasm. With your help, we can keep up the momentum and organize our community like never before. We've put together a short video on why it's more important than ever for Greeks of any generation -- first, second, third or beyond -- to get involved in our community. Can you take a moment and share our video with your friends and family? You can watch the video and share it here: There's so much we can accomplish together, not just for Greece but for our community here at home. By standing up for Hellenism, increasing our civic participation and joining forces for change, we can revolutionize what it means to be Greek. It only takes a few minutes to watch and share our video. Help us keep the buzz going by taking action today: http://hellenicleaders.com/NewDiaspora Thanks for all you do, Endy Endy Zemenides Executive Director Hellenic American Leadership Council |